
- 7 - 24 Volt battery input with reverse polarity protection.
- 5.2 Volt, 3 Amp - on board high efficiency power supply (powers the RPi and additional electronics).
- 3.3 Volt 800mA Regulator.
- 2 X 6 Amp H-Bridges. For controlling 2 (or sets of 2) DC motors, with fully proportional speed control.
- 4 Channel 5 Volt level shifter for driving Neopixels, DotStars or other 5v electronics.
- 4 Channel analogue to digital converter (one channel is reserved for battery monitoring).
- Directly drives up to 12 hobby servos (with separate power input for large 'robot' servos).
- Reset/Shutdown/User programmable switch (launch user programs, or safely shutdown your RPi).
- Power switch.
- “吃鸡”加速器官方正版来了!免费激活码限时领! - huanqiu.com:2021-6-12 · “吃鸡”用户又将迎来好消息。腾讯公司正式上线官方加速器——腾讯网游加速器,并于昨日开始限量内测。内测激活码将于12月5日至12月15日间限时限量免费发放,总量30万个,先到先得,玩家抢号激活后可获得腾讯网游加速器一个月的免费使用期。
There is a pre-configured SD Image available for download.
This has a number of built in scripts which add functionality to the board.
E.g. Flashing the IP address on the RGB LED. Youtube Link
Showing the battery level on the RGB LED.
Safely shutting down the RPi when the battery is low.
There is a Python library to accompany the RedBoard+.
This adds simple commands to control all the features of the board.
E.g. to control a motor in Python - simply import the redboard library:
import redboard
东北网2021年01月19日新闻汇总:国米惨败加速一位置换血 必买名单囊括七颗红星 2021-01-19 10:57 [1021][东北网国内] 专家预期今年CPI负增长 房子恐变成负资产 2021-01-19 10:55 [1022][东北网国内] 交通运输部要求纠正出租车违规收份钱行为 2021-01-19 10:55 [1023][东北网国内]
Or full speed backwards:
Lots more info here: RedBoard+ GitHub page
There are also plenty of code examples for controlling robots with a PC keyboard or Gamepads as well as a quick start guide to controlling a robot.